"This base transfer occurred amid force protection concerns sparked by escalating tensions between the United States and Iran and its proxy militias, which CJTF-OIR said led to an acceleration of the long-term transfer plan."
Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools headquartered out of Camp Johnson, North Carolina, posted a short image tutorial showing Marines stationed aboard Camp Johnson how they can make a skivvy shirt face mask.
“These pre-planned base transfers are not related to recent attacks against Iraqi bases hosting Coalition troops, or the ongoing COVID-19 situation in Iraq."
Lt. Gen. Laura Richardson, the commander of U.S. Army North, explained to reporters that the additional 540 U.S. troops would help Border Patrol with newly granted authorities. Those new authorities allow Border Patrol agents to apprehend and immediately return migrants potentially infected with COVID-19.
“Upon information and belief, Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S. troops and/or assets in Iraq. If this happens, Iran will pay a very heavy price, indeed!,” Trump tweeted Wednesday.
"There has been an attempt prison break by ISIS in Hassakeh, the prisoners were able to remove the internal doors of the prison.The situation is tense inside the prison currently and we have sent anti-terror forces and additional troops to the prison to control the situation."
“The Qayyarah base served as a strategic launching point for the ISF [Iraqi Security Forces] and Coalition during the Battle of Mosul. In particular, the base serves as a hub for the Iraqi air force, who continue to deliver lethal strikes on Daesh bed-down locations."
“With that in mind, we will immediately transition to prospecting exclusively via digital and telephonic means, and no longer initiate in-person interviews. We remain committed to recruiting the highly-qualified men and women our Nation needs for its Marine Corps."
“In compliance with DOD guidance, the scheduled redeployment of the current rotation of SPMAGTF-CR-AF has been delayed in order to minimize the risk of COVID-19 exposure to our forces and to stateside communities.”