"This base transfer occurred amid force protection concerns sparked by escalating tensions between the United States and Iran and its proxy militias, which CJTF-OIR said led to an acceleration of the long-term transfer plan."
A video making rounds on social media appears to show a U.S. Oshkosh M-ATV force and nearly ram what looks to be a Russian police vehicle off the road. The Russian vehicle can be seen trying to aggressively push pass an American convoy.
The report also detailed that nearly 4,100 weapons that include grenade launchers and machine guns were improperly stored outside in metal shipping containers exposing the gear to harsh environments and potentially rust.
The U.S.-backed Syrian fighters said that Russian warplanes may have targeted the “rogue” group in a series of airstrikes just outside the deconfliction zone of the American garrison.
The Horn of Africa remains a violent and volatile region. There are roughly 6,000 U.S. troops deployed throughout the U.S. Africa Command area of responsibility.
Weapons and sensitive tech captured during the ship boarding included 150 Dehlavieh anti-tank guided missiles, three Iranian surface-to-air missiles, Iranian thermal scopes, and Iranian parts for unmanned systems, among other advanced parts.
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told reporters Thursday in Brussels that the U.S. and Taliban have negotiated a proposal to reduce violence over a seven day period and that “progress” has been made in the talks that have appeared to slog on with no end in sight.
Resources for the thinly spread American troops across U.S. Africa Command may be further constrained should the Pentagon decide to curtail the counterterror mission in the region following a defense-wide posture review that is still pending.