When it comes to the physical fitness assessment, the main thing is: don't fail. That has serious consequences, as every sailor knows. But there's no incentive to do more than pass.

Every sailor knows that a failed physical fitness assessment could have serious career consequences, but until now, there's been very little incentive to do more than pass.

That's about to change. Enter with the Outstanding Fitness Award, a proposal unveiled in May that would reward the best Navy's fittest members athletes with new chest candy.

Sailors must score Anyone who scores three consecutive "outstandings" to in a row will earn the Outstanding Fitness Award, which will either be a uniform ribbon or medal, a senior Navy official confirmed to Navy Times.

A proposal is due on the Navy secretary's desk this year, with the hope of having the award approved within two years, the official added.

The award is part of a push to promote healthy behavior, coupled with changes to the way the Navy evaluates overall health.

The Navy is also eyeing a lesser distinction. Those who score an outstanding on one PRT cycle will be eligible to wear for a special patch on their blue and gold PT uniformsuitswhich are scheduled to hit the sea bag in 2016.

on tap for release in the next two years.

While individual commands have been able to reward their PT-maxing sailors with perks, like prime parking spots and special leave, the Outstanding Fitness Award would be the first service-wide recognition for PFA superstars.

Officials have not yet determined whether the new ribbon or medal will carry promotion points.

It's not the first time the honor has been proposed, though. Back in 2011, the Physical Readiness Program Office proposed a ribbon for sailors who scored five outstandings in a row.

The idea dated back to 2005, under former CNP Vice Adm. Gerry Hoewing.

The first proposals suggested promotion points for an outstanding, as well as putting a command's average fitness score into a commanding officer's eval and adding it to the Battle 'E' competition for seagoing commands.

The award's latest iteration is a big step. but doesn't go quite as far as some sailors hadve hoped for.

Last year, a list of proposals from a recent command fitness leader summit went viral after it was posted on the online forum Reddit. The CFLs suggested a special PT shirt as a reward.

In November, Navy Times asked sailors via call-out for their best ideas to improve the PFA. They came back with more than a dozen ideas.

Some argued that sailors who score an outstanding should be able to skip the next cycle, while others suggested tiered promotion points for scoring a good, excellent or outstanding. That hasn't happened — at least, not yet.

Meghann Myers is the Pentagon bureau chief at Military Times. She covers operations, policy, personnel, leadership and other issues affecting service members.

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