The second in command aboard the guided missile submarine Ohio was fired on April 3 because of "a loss of confidence in his personal judgment and ability to lead," according to a statement from Submarine Group Nine.

Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Ferrari was relieved as the executive officer of the ship's Gold Crew by the head of Submarine Squadron 19, Capt. Brian Humm, after the results of a Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigation initiated by allegations of personal misconduct were turned over to his chain of command.

"The decision to relieve Lt. Cmdr. Ferrari was based on findings that called into question his judgment, professionalism and ability to lead effectively as executive officer," the statement said. "The chain of command continues to evaluate the investigation for any further action."

Ferrari did not respond to an email from Navy Times seeking comment Wednesday.

A spokesman for Sub Group Nine declined to comment on the nature of the misconduct, citing an ongoing review of the investigation's findings for possible further action against Ferrari.

"We expect high standards from our people in terms of their professional and personal conduct," said Lt. Cmdr. Michael Smith, the spokesman. "The responsibility of an XO is not taken lightly and they are expected to uphold the Navy's core values of honor, courage, and commitment."

"As far as the details go, it would not be appropriate to discuss the specific details related to Lt. Cmdr. Ferrari's removal as XO while the administrative or disciplinary options are being evaluated."

Another Navy official familiar with the investigation said it may stem from allegations that Ferrari made unwanted advances toward a female junior officer. The official spoke to Navy Times on condition of anonymity because the results of the probe have not been released publicly.

David B. Larter was the naval warfare reporter for Defense News.

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