The former second-in-charge of the destroyer John S. McCain was found guilty Monday of dereliction in the performance of duties for his part in the Aug. 21 collision that killed 10 sailors.

Cmdr. Jessie L. Sanchez received a punitive letter of reprimand after a nonjudicial punishment hearing, according to a Navy release.

The hearing was overseen by Adm. Frank Caldwell, who was tapped last fall to oversee discipline related to both the McCain collision and that of the destroyer Fitzgerald, which collided with a merchant vessel on June 17, killing seven sailors.

A Fitz officer and enlisted sailor also faced nonjudicial punishment, or NJP, this week, but Caldwell dismissed those charges.

The Navy did not disclose the charges those two faced.

Sanchez was relieved of his executive officer position in October.

The Navy did not provide further details Wednesday, but previously faulted Sanchez for exercising “poor leadership of the ship’s training program.”

Sanchez is the 18th sailor from the Fitz and McCain to receive NJP in connection to last summer’s collisions.

Monday’s hearings concluded NJP actions in connection to the collisions, according to the Navy release.

Cmdr. Alfredo Sanchez, the former captain of the McCain, as well as former Fitz skipper Cmdr. Bryce Benson, are facing negligent homicide, dereliction of duty and hazarding a vessel charges for their roles in the collisions. The McCain skipper and XO are not related.

The Navy will make its case in about three weeks as to why the former commanding officers should be court-martialed at a public proceeding known as an Article 32 hearing.

Three unidentified Fitz officers face the same charges.

The Navy has declined to identify those sailors or release the charge sheets for those accused.

A McCain chief petty officer also faces a dereliction of duty charge.

Geoff is the managing editor of Military Times, but he still loves writing stories. He covered Iraq and Afghanistan extensively and was a reporter at the Chicago Tribune. He welcomes any and all kinds of tips at

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