The Navy has released the names of the 710 drilling and full-time reservists selected to put on chief petty officer anchors this year.
This year’s combined reserve E-7 board convened May 21 in Millington, Tennessee.
For those in the drilling reserve, 2,586 eligible candidates competed for a total of 448 spots. Just over a 17 percent of candidates had a shot at moving up into the chief’s mess, up from 15 percent a year ago.

The news was even better for those looking to make chief in the reserve full-time support ranks where the chance to put on chief anchors rose nearly 6 percentage points to almost 26 percent this year. Just over 1,000 E-6s competed for the available 262 quotas — a nearly 26 percent chance, up from 21 percent at last year’s board.
The active-duty chief’s board is still in session and results won’t be released until early August. Navy-wide pinning of all new chief petty officers will happen in mid-September.
You can check out the new selected reserve and FTS CPO’s here:
Fiscal Year 2019 Selected Reserve E-7 selects by rating
Fiscal Year 2019 Full-Time Support E-7 selects by rating
Mark D. Faram is a former reporter for Navy Times. He was a senior writer covering personnel, cultural and historical issues. A nine-year active duty Navy veteran, Faram served from 1978 to 1987 as a Navy Diver and photographer.