U.S. Coast Guard fast response cutter Glen Harris confiscated roughly $20 million in illegal drugs from a fishing vessel in the Gulf of Oman Tuesday.
The Glen Harris, which was conducting a patrol under Combined Task Force 150, seized 2,980 kilograms of hashish and 320 kilograms of amphetamine tablets. The Coast Guard vessel has participated in other drug seizures this year, including a May incident in which $11 million worth of heroin was seized from a fishing vessel.
“The results of Glen Harris’s success is a testament to the crew’s professionalism and determination,” Lt. Cmdr. Reginald Reynolds, commanding officer of Glen Harris, said in a statement. “I’m proud of our team’s commitment to countering illicit activity on the high seas and promoting security and stability across the region.”
The Navy increased weapon and illegal drug seizures in U.S. 5th Fleet last year. The U.S. Navy, along with partner forces, seized more than $193 million worth of illegal drugs in 2021 — adding up to a higher total value than the amount confiscated in the preceding four years combined.

The previous record for total value of drugs seized in the past seven years was $70 million in 2018, according to Cmdr. Tim Hawkins, a spokesman for U.S. Naval Forces Central Command. The increase is attributed to additional presence in the region.
“We have enhanced our presence and vigilance across regional waters,” Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, commander of NAVCENT, U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces, said in a January news release. “This reflects our continued commitment to confront destabilizing activities that disrupt the rules-based international order which underlies maritime security in the Middle East.”
Combined Task Force 150 is part of Combined Maritime Forces that the U.S. leads, and is one of four task forces now operating in the Mideast to counter maritime threats.