A new chapter of Army history is on the rise. After much hand-wringing and despite protestation from soldiers who want to grow beards, the nation’s oldest service branch has finally moved into the era of the ponytail.
Gone are the days of female soldiers being required to chop off locks or wear buns so tight they catalyze premature hair loss.
Today marks the first day female soldiers are allowed to sport ponytails and braids. And, so far, so good. Our enemies have not invaded, and Western civilization isn’t crumbling (or maybe it is, but at least not for this reason).
As such, women across the internet have taken to social media to share in elation about the Army’s decision figuratively and literally letting their hair down in photos.
Here are some of our favorites.
Braid on, ladies.
Sarah Sicard is a Senior Editor with Military Times. She previously served as the Digitial Editor of Military Times and the Army Times Editor. Other work can be found at National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose, and Defense News.
army hairarmy ponytailarmy braidsbeard regulationsbattle braidsmilitary hair regulationsmilitary beard policiesIn Other News