If there is one indisputable fact, it’s that dinosaurs are awesome. Anyone who disagrees is entitled to that opinion, but they are simply wrong.
And while there are plenty of films that chronicle the scaly heroes of the Mesozoic Era, it also is fun to see movies and shows about dinosaurs living among humans.
As a series, “Jurassic Park” has long had an affinity for the Cretaceous period’s favorite predator: the Velociraptor. But what if you substituted in Velociraptors for the leading men and women in your favorite military or war movies?
One Twitter user, @ButWithRaptors, has done just that. These are our favorites.
1. “1917″
2. “Inglorious Basterds”
3. “A Few Good Men”
4. “Top Gun: Maverick”
5. “Air Force One”
Personally, I’d like to see full cuts of all these movies, but if I have to, I’ll continue to settle for the GIFs and shorts.
The software used to create these hilarious clips is made by Maxon, which helps designers with visual effects. There is one piece of it called “Universe Raptorize,” which specifically turns “Tom Cruise in any footage into Velociraptor Cruise in seconds.”
Sarah Sicard is a Senior Editor with Military Times. She previously served as the Digitial Editor of Military Times and the Army Times Editor. Other work can be found at National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose, and Defense News.
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