Readers discussed the military's takeover by the millennial generation and the Navy's decision to dump its working uniform after only a decade. One reader also took issue with a recent Military Times editorial about the lessons from the Benghazi, Libya tragedy.
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As a father of a millennial sailor and someone who knows many amazing people of his generation, I was prepared to dislike this article as stereotyping. To my surprise, it was very well done and emphasized the positive.
These kids have grown up in a world of rapid change, and have been raised to be flexible and resilient. Their optimism gives me much more hope than the bitter "that's-not-the-way-we-did-it" defeatism one hears all too often.
Luke Hamaty
Via Facebook
As much as some millennials annoy me, we are the ones that are fighting the Global War on Terror.
Anthony Pistone
Via Facebook
Title should say younger millennials. A lot of us older millennials have already served and did our time in the Corps and other branches.
Peter Duarte
Via Facebook
The biggest problem is the reliance on social media. They view it as a best friend and they disregard security concerns when they post. They post when they're deploying, what ship they're on, their military occupational specialties. All of that is dangerous to list on social media. When you are willing to put your breakfast out there for the world to see though, it is hard to convince the millennials to break the habit.
Al Sanwick
Via Facebook
Better get ready to baby those children! Words hurt them, they don't even have to get shot – just the thought of going into combat the first time will give them post-traumatic stress. And when something doesn't go their way, it will be your fault. Good luck with that!
Shane M. Burt
Via Facebook
It's amusing to watch an older generation on its way out complain about a younger generation on its way in. If you're past your prime, tomorrow does not belong to you. Whether you understand and agree or not, let younger people make the choices for the type of world they want to live in.
Claire Gibson
Via Facebook
As Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller said – and yes, he actually said it: "Old breed, new breed – there's not a damn bit of difference so long as it's the Marine breed."
Bobby Burton
Via Facebook
I've waited a good while before replying to your editorial "Think like a commander" [July 18] so I could calm down. In my 47 years with the Air Force (26 active duty), I cannot recall a time of such disappointment with Military Times.
It appears that instead of giving facts to your readers, you simply decided to shout out your personal opinion of the political landscape. In the military, we have something called chain of command. When an American president gives direction (which came immediately from President Obama), it goes to his Defense Department then down to the appropriate commanders. Somehow you believe the State Department overrides the Defense Department.
I forgive you for this misstep since you're obviously biased in your political feelings. But let me ask this: Did you interview then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta before you wrote the editorial? Did you interview the major and captain who led the FAST Marines before you wrote? Then, finally, did you actually read the House findings regarding the attack on the temporary facility in Benghazi?
If you had, you would have quickly discovered that this "changing of clothes" had nothing to do with the arrival time of the FAST Marines, (incompetence in not having a dedicated air frame for deployment and not even having a contingency plan for Libya were the deciding factors). Apparently you just watched a Sean Hannity show and decided to use it as the basis for your article.
Please do this: Talk to some real military personnel. You will find out we have an unwritten code that says "Do not lie." Whatever else, always tell the truth. I don't care what your political opinion is, but if you wish to make a statement on that, then have the integrity to write about "that" and not interweave it with a completely different issue. Think like a commander? The Military Times editorial staff sure didn't, but then they don't know what a true commander is!
Senior Master Sgt. Gary R. Gray (ret.)
Olympia, Wash.
Regarding "The U.S. military just dumped the dumbest uniform ever," Aug. 4:
These uniforms are more comfortable, but they need to ditch the black boots thing, the tan and coyote boots are so comfortable in comparison to the black boots the Navy authorizes.
Joshua Harshman
The Navy's enlisted working uniform has been a total goat-rope ever since some dweeb made the supremely dumb decision to dump dungarees. Odd that nobody up there in the HQ wants to talk about returning to the best all-around working uniform sailors ever had.
Stan Allsopp
You're not going to find too many sailors today pining for a uniform straight out of Shawshank Redemption....or the updated utilities that you had to freakin' iron every night. Yes the NWUs should have just been navy blue in the first place and made out of fire resistant material. But everyone I know on ship liked them light years above coveralls and utilities.
Al George
Great another uniform change just in time for another uniform change (the shore and sea coveralls)... if someone is really listening to our feedback, why are we so blatantly shot down about beards?
Ryan Vegas Purser