A Sept. 26 auction in London will feature the musky flight duds of one, Maverick, played of course by Tom Cruise in the movie ”Top Gun.” The winning bid is expected to cost one lucky fan of the Scientology poster boy upwards of $40,000.
That begs the critical question we should all be asking: Why the hell would you do that?
Generations of unoriginal men have donned some adaptation of Maverick’s flight suit every Oct. 31, a getup that costs anywhere from $40-$150, depending on how accurately wearers want to portray the permanent resident of Kenny Loggins’s “Danger zone.”
But spending 40-grand on what amounts to be the same costume? Take my breath away!
This reeks of E-1, just-got-to-the-fleet decision making.
“What‘d you do this weekend?”
“Bought Maverick‘s flight suit and got a new Mustang at only 45 percent interest, bro.”
And how about the factor of your kids being the only humans who could actually fit into the outfit, given Tom’s 3-foot-9 inch frame?
The winner of this bid will in fact be a loser in the truest sense, and is most deserving of the prestigious Military Times Misfire.
Medals & Misfires is a new opinion feature from the Military Times editorial staff. Medals signify a job well done. Misfires signify a major blunder.