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Miracle at Midway?
At 10 o’clock on the morning of June 4, 1942, the Japanese were winning the Pacific War; an hour later, three Japanese aircraft carriers were on fire and sinking.
Lead Navy prosecutor in SEAL war crime case out over email spying
Navy Cmdr. Christopher Czaplak was ordered off the case by Judge Aaron Rugh Monday for emailing 13 defense attorneys and paralegals, as well as Navy Times editor Carl Prine a tracking beacon in an effort to find the source of leaks to the media.
Op-ed: Journalism’s Assange problem
These days, anybody with an internet connection can be a publisher. That doesn’t make everybody a journalist.
Timetable of Trump’s pullout from Syria being questioned
Amid questions about the pace of his exit from Syria, President Donald Trump complained on Monday that he’s getting “bad press” for his decision to pull American troops out of the country and insisted he was simply making good on his campaign promise against U.S. involvement in “never ending wars.”
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