Another commissary closure leaves customers seeking answersFor months, customers at the Forest Glen Annex commissary in Silver Spring, Maryland, have asked: When will our commissary reopen?By Karen Jowers3 months ago
UN complains Russia blocks aid workers from Ukraine dam collapse areaMoscow claims area of dam collapse too dangerous for UN aid workers to visit because of fighting.By Susie Blann, Associated Press22 months ago
A dam collapses and thousands face the deluge — often with no helpSome 6,000 have been rescued but the true scale of the disaster remains unclear for a region that was once home to tens of thousands of people.By Illia Novikov, Yuras Karmanau, and Hanna Arhirova, AP22 months ago
Drone footage of collapsed Ukrainian dam counters Russian narrativeAn AP team flew a drone over the devastation on Wednesday, filming submerged homes, and even a church of villages under Russian occupation.22 months ago
Ukraine dam collapse triggers emergency as Moscow and Kyiv trade blameThe dam collapse has triggered floods, endangering Europe’s largest nuclear power plant and threatening drinking water supplies.By Susie Blann, Associated Press22 months ago
New book on Mullah Omar and the Taliban offers hard lessons for the USU.S. leadership was consistently caught flat-footed, failing to deliver on their perennial promise to “turn the corner” in the war.By Kyle Rempfer3 years ago