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Attendance dwindles at Joint Base Charleston’s chapel
A majority of the Charleston AFB congregants have been attending services at the chapel since the mid-1970s, after they first were assigned to Charleston.
By Thomas Novelly
Unhappy with Pentagon’s religious liberty guidance, lawmakers set up meeting with top defense official
A group of conservative lawmakers have demanded a meeting with Defense Secretary Mark Esper to talk about religious liberty issues.
By Kent Miller
A different Sunday for Army installation worshippers
Where chapels were once filled with the faithful, social distancing precautions have moved many services online. The move to virtual worship came after the Army closed all chapels in the United States and Europe last week.
Deployed 82nd Airborne unit told to use these encrypted messaging apps on government cell phones
“Unfortunately, those apps are more secure than texting in the clear, which is more or less the alternative. Granted, if a hostile party has access to the handset, that encryption isn’t particularly helpful.”
Weird stuff washes up on North Carolina’s Outer Banks
Recent flotsam and jetsam: a bagged body, UXO, rocket parts, rotting whale carcasses, Navy trash tossed overboard.
By Jeff Hampton, The Virginian-Pilot