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Restoration of Navy plane offers family closure
Lt. John Lendo was the last person to pilot the U.S. Navy Douglas "Dauntless" Dive Bomber SBD-2P before he was forced to make an emergency landing on Lake Michigan Feb. 18, 1944, during a training mission.
How the Navy built a better jet
Faced with an air superiority gap compared to Air Force jets in the late 1940s and early 1950s, the Navy embarked on an ambitious aircraft development program that produced one of the world’s best all-around fighters.
How World War II spurred vaccine innovation
As the Second World War raged in Europe, the U.S. military recognized that infectious disease was as formidable an enemy as any other they would meet on the battlefield. So they forged a new partnership with industry and academia to develop vaccines for the troops.
Miracle at Midway?
At 10 o’clock on the morning of June 4, 1942, the Japanese were winning the Pacific War; an hour later, three Japanese aircraft carriers were on fire and sinking.
Trial by fire in the Coral Sea
The Battle of the Coral Sea was a tactical defeat for the U.S. Navy that also proved to be a significant strategic victory.
What if the Japanese Had Won the Battle of the Coral Sea?
Many “what if” scenarios rely on close calls, in which the outcome pivoted on a single event that went one way but might easily have gone another. But in the case of Coral Sea, it's almost easier to explain how the Japanese could have won the battle than explain how they managed to lose it.
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