Sailors can now wear regular clothes when they eat in shore galleysSailors may wear most civilian clothes to shore galleys if the sailor is in a non-duty status under a new Navy policy.By Diana Stancy8 months ago
Air Force may temporarily allow beards, in the name of researchThe idea would let participating airmen sport well-kept beards no longer than one-quarter inch.By Rachel S. Cohen3 years ago
Naval Academy introduces Marine Corps dress blues football uniformMidshipmen will sport the uniform on 9/11.By Sarah Sicard4 years ago
Free new wedding gowns? Check out this program for the military Military-connected brides-to-be can apply to Operation Deploy Your Dress before 11:59 p.m. Eastern time June 18 for a free gown of your choice.By Karen Jowers4 years ago
This Air Force cardigan puts Mr. Rogers’ sweater collection to shame The Air Force cardigan was adopted in 1996.By Sarah Sicard4 years ago
WWII escape maps might be the world’s most unique fashion statementInvented by an MI9 intelligence officer, some 3.5 million escape maps of Europe and the Pacific were created during WWII to assist Allied forces shot down or taken prisoner.By Claire Barrett4 years ago