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A tale of two tours — both now in the books
After spending 209 days deployed, The Sullivans arrived at Florida’s Naval Station Mayport. Sister destroyer Jason Dunham was gone 202 days before pulling into Naval Station Norfolk.
A 46-year-old ensign who once ran the White House?
Reince Priebus, the once-powerful chairman of the Republican National Committee before he joined the Trump administration in 2017, was picked by a Navy selection board to receive a direct commission as a human resources officer in the Navy Reserve.
Navy brings newest destroyer to life in Boston
The Maine-built Arleigh Burke-class destroyer is named in honor of Thomas Hudner, a Fall River native and longtime Concord resident who was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry Truman for crash-landing his plane to try to save the life of Ensign Jesse Brown during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in December 1950.
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