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Some vets get 12 extra months of college benefits under new VA rules
Veterans Affairs officials are updating their GI Bill eligibility rules in response to a Supreme Court ruling last spring.
Fewer vets will be on the November ballot for Congress this year
Of the 75 congressional candidates this cycle with a combat zone deployment, 62 of them served in Iraq, Afghanistan or both.
Did a US F-22 shoot down a UFO? Photo of aerial object adds to mystery
A grainy image (it’s always a grainy image) of an object downed by an F-22 over Canada's Yukon territory has aviation (and UFO) enthusiasts chattering.
FDA rejects psychedelic MDMA as treatment for PTSD
MDMA research has been widely publicized by combat veterans, who say limited PTSD treatment options have contributed to higher military suicide rates.
By Matthew Perrone
The post-9/11 generation’s path to post-traumatic growth
Veterans who embody the ethos of post-traumatic growth push back against the narrative of the “broken” vet. I urge you to join them.
By Patrick J. Murphy